Hello there! I am Mila, the person and mom behind Sprouting Old Pages, and beside me is my sweet daughter, Arianna. Our blog story started about 3 years ago, when we both started falling in love with old-fashioned style of living and learning the lost and forgotten skills of homemaking. Our inspiration came through God's word to "live a peaceful life and to work with our hands and while doing that, do it all for the glory of God" (1Th. 4:11; 1Cor.10:31). The idea of creating a blog came to me couple years ago, when I wanted to teach my daughter the priceless knowledge of God's old-fashioned traditions of homemaking. My prayer and desire is that our blog will be encouraging for many mothers and daughters out there, and that they too will discover an amazing path of peace, love and godliness through their lives.

A godly homemaker - "selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." (Prov. 31)


Sprouting Old Pages is more than just a place for practical advice. Here we desire to build a community of kindred spirits united by a shared desire to honor God in all we do. We want you to join our conversations as we swap stories, offer encouragement, and lift each other up in prayer. We desire to weave faith, family, and tradition into the fabric of our daily lives. Here we will share a treasure trove of tips, skills, and heartfelt stories as we rediscover the beauty of God's design for the home. From baking bread from scratch to creating a nourishing artisan soap. We will share our adventures of living simply and purposefully. Each time, we will delve into different aspects of homemaking, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of generations past and the guidance of Scripture. Whether it's preserving the harvest for the winter months or crafting handmade gifts for loved ones, we will share how to infuse every task with love and devotion. So come on in, dear friends, and make yourself at home. Together, let's create a haven where God's old-fashioned traditions of homemaking come to life in a modern world.


At Sprouting Old Pages, we believe in the beauty of simplicity and the timeless allure of old-fashioned traditions. Our small family business is dedicated to preserving the art of handmade craftsmanship and celebrating the natural God given wonders of the earth. Our home/workshop is a sanctuary of creativity by skilled hands. From artisanal soaps made with nourishing herbs and essential oils to hand-poured candles that infuse your home with warmth and fragrance, every item is a labor of love, inspired by generations of tradition.

We source our ingredients locally whenever possible, supporting small-scale farmers and artisans who share our commitment to quality and sustainability. Each batch is carefully crafted in small quantities, ensuring that every product meets our exacting standards of excellence.

Whether you're searching for a thoughtful gift or simply looking to treat yourself to a little luxury, we invite you to explore our collection of handcrafted treasures. With each purchase, you are not just buying a product- you're supporting a tradition, a way of life, and a family dream.

In a cozy kitchen, where sunlight dances,

Mother and daughter, in timeless romances.

With aprons tied and flour on their hands,

They weave old traditions in modern lands.

From recipes whispered through generations past,

To tales of love, hope and memories amassed.

They stir pots of comfort, simmering with care,

Each dish a story, each aroma a prayer.

Together they sew, with needles and thread,

Patching quilts of warmth for their cozy bed.

With laughter and whispers, they mend and they mend,

The bond of their kinship, an unbreakable blend.

In the garden, they tend to blooms of delight,

Nurturing life with each tender sight.

With hands in the earth, they plant seeds of dreams,

Harvesting joy in the sun's golden beams.

Through the rhythms of homemaking, they dance,

Embracing the grace of each fleeting chance.

Mother and daughter, in traditions old,

Their love and legacy, forever unfold.

All blessings to you, friends!

With homemaking love,

Mila & Arianna